The purpose of the House System is to instill a sense of camaraderie and citizenship amongst the student body. Students learn to be responsible citizens by

  1. Reading, understanding and respecting the tenets set forth
  2. To understand their rights and duties towards society
  3. Committing to participate responsibly in school life
  4. Maintaining high standards throughout the year.

A strong school spirit is also engendered amongst the students as they strive to represent their respective house through personal academic, physical, cultural and social excellence in performance.

The aim of the House System is to give pupils a focus of identity outside their class group. It provides a healthy competitive spirit in sports, even as academic excellence is fostered by added incentive to work hard in subject areas. Finally, students are able to interact with other students and staff outside their own year group, thus creating a strong sense of community and citizenship.

The houses are as follows:

Colour of House

Name in English

Name in Urdu













Importance & Objectives of House System.

  1. The House system & Inter-House Competitions build community spirit and help younger students integrate into primary school life through social interaction and bonding.
  2. The House system also allows students to learn the importance of “teamwork” and to build on their “leadership skills”.
  3. The division of our students into houses provides a smaller group in which our students can find friendship and support.
  4. Helps develop sportsmanship qualities in our students.
    Helps develop motor skills of students.
  5. Help with household chores (sweeping, moping, dusting etc)
    Able to take care of pets (feeding, grooming, walking etc)
  6. Begin computer skills and use video games
  7. Move in time to the beat or rhythm of music
  8. Able to twist and spin in one place
  9. Are able to combine motor skills such as running and kicking or moves to music
  10. Helps develop confidence building through decision making.
