Executive Chairman’s Message

Dear Students,

A student’s life is beyond doubt the most exciting and promising phase of an individual and we at the Anjuman-I-Islam’s VM & DM Urdu Primary School (Semi-English) endevour to provide you a most conducive environment to make your stint here just that.

You will find that your teachers are your friends and your role models as they mentor. The school shall provide you an environment to feel free to question and debate so that your curiosity is ignited and fed, opening your fertile minds to absorb and imbibe.

The calendar shall be rich in extracurricular opportunities giving you the holistic education that is your right and our pleasurable duty. You shall have opportunities to learn as you grow evolving into confident leadership roles at school and home and finally in society.

We eagerly await to welcome you to this wonderful place called  AIPMUPS,  VM & DM Urdu Primary School (Semi-English)


Haseeb Faquih

Executive Chairman, Peermohamed Campus, Pune.