Dear All,

Life is full of challenges. There will be obstacles in the students’ path, both physically and intellectually, but it is our endeavour to coax our students to explore new possibilities and seek new experiences. These experiences will nurture them into independent young people who are empowered to face the changing world with exhilaration and courage.

The teachers at the AIPMUPS (Anjuman-I-Islam’s DM VM Urdu Primary School) are the guiding force for our students. They help in shaping the character, calibre and future of an individual.

We will continue to focus on the development of the child, striving for the highest academic standards and inculcate values to make our students responsible citizens from this young age.

We assure you that we will lay a strong foundation for our students which will let them sail through any turmoil in life.


Naziya Zakir Shaikh
Principal/ Head-Teacher,
(Anjuman-I-Islam’s DM VM Urdu Primary School)